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Do you look at the price for battery ultra low temperature batteries?

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Do you look at the price for battery ultra low temperature batteries?

Release date:2018-03-22 The author:博力美 Click:

The market has found that there are ten or twenty kinds of ultra low temperature batteries for dry batteries, the price difference is very big, the price of cheap dry battery is only four or five cents per section, and the price of expensive dry battery is two or three yuan per section. Usually, without considering brand factors, the price of alkaline batteries is 1.5-2 times that of carbon batteries.
The difference between alkaline and carbon battery prices is also a big difference. Does it also affect the purchasing intention of the public? The guide to the battery sales area in the East China Sea Boulevard of the omen supermarket told bloomer that most people were buying batteries by price, and few people would notice whether the battery was alkaline or carbon. There are also some people who choose batteries for brands. They do not care about the price of batteries, nor do they care about alkaline or carbon


Subsequently, Bo Li Mei interviewed 10 citizens randomly and asked if they knew the difference between carbon and alkaline batteries. Only one citizen has blurred that "alkaline batteries are environmentally friendly." But they all say that most of them buy batteries by price, followed by brands.
Distinguish dry and bad batteries: look at the price two weight, three check the appearance
One, look at the price. High priced dry batteries are better in quality. Don't try to buy cheap batteries at the licensed vendors. These batteries are not only used for a short time, but also cause leakage and pollution.
Two, weigh the weight. The same brand, the same specifications of the dry battery, can be placed on the electronic scale to weigh, the quality of the battery is much heavier than the poor quality of the battery.
Three. Look up the appearance. Fine dry battery, the packaging will mark the trademark, manufacturer, battery model, nominal voltage, battery polarity, production date, shelf life, standard number, and do fine work, clean and clean, there is no leakage. When buying, you can also check whether the goods are marked "mercury free", "0% mercury" and "do not add mercury".

This article URL:http://enpolymerbatter.mycn86.cn/news/391.html

Key words:防爆电池,超低温电池,机器人电池

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